
Monster High & Grand Theft Auto V!

This biz is a funny one - Paula got the call that a video game she'd worked on a year ago (that was so secretive they didn't even tell her the name) was finally coming out. Turns out it was Grand Theft Auto V!

So fun!!!

Paula voiced a few minor characters including various victims, a street urchin or two and a low wage factory worker lady who cusses up a storm while explaining some plot point. It's a HUGE game, so you could easily miss her, but how freakin' cool to get to be a part of such a big franchise :) 

One more NDA'ed game is in the works, can't wait to announce it when it comes out!

She also just got cast as 2 new characters in the awesome Monster High arena (#4 toy in the world!!!!) and will be sharing as soon as her eps/movies come out next summer. Stay tuned!