
Couples Who Commercial Together...

Had a blast filming a new spot with IRL husband @charliebodin (and wrapping before 10am!) - but we do owe an apology to our newborn for stealing the audition from him. Sorry, kiddo. 

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Personal Appearances Team Added!

Paula's thrilled to have added AKA as part of her team repping her for Personal Appearances! So, should you like a Paula at your Con/Event, give her friend David over there a ring : ) 

A New Kind of Strong Campaign for Target (with Baby Bump)!

What a stellar campaign to be a part of with a beautiful and important message : ) Paula had a great time shooting this spot down by the shore with her 6 mo baby bump and the Fit for Mom ladies. You can see her in a few segments, esp at around :31 . Thanks, Target! 

Facial Capture Fun!

Mocap and VO are so amazing, and now Paula's gotten to try on a new skill - Facial Capture for a thrilling game in a big franchise coming out this fall! It's where the motion capture of the bodies has already been done, and the voiceover has been recorded, but now the facial expressions need to be captured... all while doing exact lip synch to the existing VO. The sessions have been a blast and she can't wait to share the game with you in a few months!!!


The Disney shoot overlapped Comic Con this year so Paula was bummed to miss being a part of this amazing panel, but they knocked it outta the park : ) 

Disney Shoot!

This is how I felt when I got the call to come Guest Star on a really fun Disney show! Had a blast! Stay tuned this Fall!!! 


Paula's brother-in-law, Eric Miller introduced Eric Miller Animation Studio's character Bink in an adorable short film, look for great things from them! 

Vidcon Webnic Fan Meetup!

The New Peter Wendy team had a great time at Vidcon meeting fans at the Webnic with Social Medium, Future Girl and Lonelygirl15 kids! 

Producer Jenni Powell, Lonelygirl15's Yousef Abu-Taleb & Paula

Producer Jenni Powell, Lonelygirl15's Yousef Abu-Taleb & Paula